From solar panels enhancing the quality of sheep wool to birds being kept warm with biogas, here's how renewable energy is innovating farming practices.
Múltiples crisis mundiales ponen en riesgo la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para 2030, según afirma Naciones Unidas en su informe de actualización.
Multiple global crises continue to put the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals "in peril", the United Nations says in its 2023 update report on the SDGs.
The number of people forced to flee their homes due to conflict is at an all-time high. World Refugee Day 2023 focuses on hope away from home.
La sonda de la agencia espacial europea ha dejado la Tierra para iniciar un viaje de 8 años a Júpiter. El objetivo: investigar si hay condiciones para posibilitar la vida en las mayores l...
The JUICE spacecraft has left Earth to begin an 8-year journey to Jupiter, to investigate the planet's largest ocean-bearing moons as potential habitats.
Las ventas mundiales de vehículos eléctricos aumentaron más de la mitad en 2022, con China a la cabeza. Así le va al resto del mundo.
Global sales of electric vehicles (EVs) increased by more than half in 2022, with China leading the way. Here's how the rest of the world is faring.
The Forum's Global Future Council on the Future of Job Creation says the energy, technology and care sectors can provide high levels of new jobs in many countries.
Many of the world’s biggest companies are now encouraging neurodiversity in order to benefit from the unique skills and abilities of neurodivergent workers
This round-up explores five recent Agenda articles on remote working. Topics include where it is growing fastest and the rise of digital nomads.
木星氷衛星探査計画「JUICE」の探査機が先ごろ打ち上げられ、木星系を目指す8年の長旅が始まりました。 探査機は、太陽系最大の惑星である木星の氷衛星を観測し、生命維持の可能性について探ります。 木星が持つ巨大な衛星のカリスト、エウロパ、ガニメデには、地球の海よりも多い大量の水が存在していると考えられています。
Top nature and climate news: Rate of sea level rise doubles in a decade; India at risk from extreme heat; EU makes climate crisis policies more ambitious.
Filmmaker Shannon Cohn spoke to the World Economic Forum about her new documentary Below the Belt on the reality of living with endometriosis.