Un marco para avanzar en la equidad de datos en un mundo digital
La equidad de datos es una responsabilidad compartida que requiere una acción colectiva para impulsar sistemas de datos justos y equitativos. He aquí por qué.
Stephanie joined the Forum in May 2023, within the Early Careers Programme focused on Data Policy. She holds a BA in International Studies from Dickinson College and a Master of Public Administration with a focus on Social Change Organizations and an MA in International Policy and Development with a financial crime management specialization at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.
At the World Economic Forum, Stephanie worked on the Global Future Council on Data Equity. Before joining the Forum, she worked in Internet Governance and cybersecurity policy in The Hague, the Netherlands.
La equidad de datos es una responsabilidad compartida que requiere una acción colectiva para impulsar sistemas de datos justos y equitativos. He aquí por qué.
Data equity is a shared responsibility that needs collective action to advance data systems that promote fair and just outcomes for everyone. Here's why.
Las PYME se enfrentan a numerosos retos para sacar provecho del poder de los datos modernos, pero una nueva clase de consultoría podría ayudarles a aprovechar todo su potencial.
SMEs face numerous challenges to harness the power of modern data, but a newly-dedicated consulting class could help them unlock their full potential.