日本のTrusted Webが目指すデジタルガバナンスの向上
日本政府はTrusted WebというWEB上での新たなガバナンスの仕組みを構築しようとしています。この取り組みは、WEB3の理念や方針等と共有するところもありますが、WEB上で検証可能な領域を増やすことに重きをおいています。
Dr. Takanori Fujita is a Project Lead of Healthcare Data Project at World Economic Forum Centre for the Forth Industrial Revolution Japan and Project Lecturer of Keio University School of Medicine. He received his M.D. from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine, and his J.D. from the University of Tokyo School of Law. His research focuses on health law and policy, especially personal information or privacy laws in medical field and the application of artificial intelligence to medical practice. He is an expert advisory member of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and has participated in many cutting-edge research projects.
日本政府はTrusted WebというWEB上での新たなガバナンスの仕組みを構築しようとしています。この取り組みは、WEB3の理念や方針等と共有するところもありますが、WEB上で検証可能な領域を増やすことに重きをおいています。
The Japanese government is developing a new system for digital governance known as the 'trusted web', prioritising trust and verification of information.
データはデジタルヘルスケアに不可欠な要素です。開発者やサービス事業者が効果的なソリューションを構築・展開するためには、健康関連データが必須となります。 新しいデジタルツールは、医師や患者が病気を予測、予防、治療するのに役立ち、費用効率と効果の高い、各患者に適した医療への扉を開くことを可能にします。
Freeing up health data requires demonstrating to all stakeholders that information-sharing is in their interests and can be done in a trustworthy way.
Highly individualized medicine is now within reach. We highlight three examples that support the contact between patients and doctors using digital tools.
Authorized Public Purpose Access (APPA) is a new framework for data governance that could help tackle privacy issues related to COVID-19 contact tracing.
The coronavirus crisis is raising key governance questions regarding the handling of health data. Frameworks can help societies develop the data approach that works for their populations.