Yuhyun Park

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, DQ Institute

Doctorate in Biostatistics, Harvard University. Fervent advocate of child empowerment and education. Initiated the Digital Intelligence Quotient (DQ) education framework and assessment. Developed the first interactive digital citizenship education platform for children in Korea and Singapore, including a research hub to shape public policy for internet safety. Started #DQEveryChild movement to empower children worldwide with core DQ skills to thrive in the digital economy. Founder, DQ Institute, a think tank focused on building a comprehensive digital ecosystem encouraging collaboration, health and security. Chair, infollutionZERO Ahn-Sei Foundation, focusing on advocating and educating for internet safety based on research. Founder, DQ World, an online education platform that enables children to self-learn DQ. Global Young Leader, World Economic Forum. Ashoka Fellow. Eisenhower Fellow. Recipient of numerous honours, including two awards from UNESCO.

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Fourth Industrial Revolution


科技进步越来越快地为社会经济带来变革,全球信息总量和传输速度都正成指数级增长。专家预测,未来十年内,全球90%的人口都将成为网民。物联网的发展,将让虚拟世界和现实世界逐渐融合在一起。这些进步预示着一些激动人心的变化,但不确定性也随之而来。而位于这场变化中心的,正是我们的下一代。 年轻一代开始使用数字化技术和网络媒体的年龄越来越小,时间却越来越长。他们每天在屏幕前平均要花...

24 Jun 2016