Previous Global Future Council on Net-Zero Transition

Council mission and objectives

The 2018 IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C advised that we need to keep global average temperature rise <1.5 degrees to prevent catastrophic climate change. In practice, in line with understanding of available carbon budgets, this is widely understood to mean reducing global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions to ‘net zero’ by 2050. A simple definition of ‘net zero’ widely used defines this as being a state of balance between emissions and emissions reductions. Business leaders across all sectors are grappling with demonstrating delivery of net zero. The Global Future Council on Net-Zero Transition will focus on delivering a framework for business leaders to follow including case studies on credible corporate roadmaps to deliver net zero that incorporate an industry transition alongside Natural Climate Solutions; it will also examine the practicalities of developing a common set of metrics on net zero that can be integrated into Corporate Governance models as well as ESG principles.

Mobilizing thought leadership for impact

The Global Future Councils serve as a brain trust for leaders from government, business and civil society, and support the Forum’s mission by bringing together experts bound by a shared mission to discuss the most critical issues, generate insights and analysis, and collaborate in shaping agendas.

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