How 500 Social Entrepreneurs and Innovators have improved the lives of 931 million people worldwide
The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship is advancing social innovation worldwide.
The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship is advancing social innovation worldwide.
There are about 10 million social enterprises globally spearheading innovations to combat climate change and foster digital inclusion. A new report presents recommendations for unlocking ...
Gender parity in entrepreneurship is not just a moral imperative but a crucial driver of economic growth and innovation. Here are 5 strategies to advance female entrepreneurs, from access...
La paridad de género en el emprendimiento es un motor crucial del crecimiento económico y la innovación. He aquí 5 estrategias para impulsar a las mujeres emprendedoras.
The Rise Ahead Pledge is a collective promise to allocate more resources to social innovation. New data highlights the strides being made by 24 signatories.
Amid growing inequality and an accelerating climate crisis, the social and solidarity economy offers a pathway to a more inclusive and sustainable Africa.
Building on the current multibillion outcome-based funding market, tradeable impact aims to trade societal outcomes in order to promote human values over material wealth
One of many social entrepreneurs using AI to create an impact, Gerald Abila explains how he harnesses tech to provide pro-bono legal services across Africa.
Descubra a algunos de los innovadores sociales más inspiradores del mundo con el anuncio de los finalistas de los Premios de Innovación Social de la Fundación Schwab.
Amid an electricity crisis, many Nigerian small businesses run on petrol generators. This solar-microgrid start-up is working to connect them to clean energy.
Discover some of the most inspiring social innovators worldwide with the announcement of the finalists of the Schwab Foundation Social Innovation Awards.
Los innovadores sociales generan 2 billones de dólares anuales en ingresos. Este Día de la Juventud, celebramos tres de ellos que utilizan la tecnología para educar y empoderar.
Social innovators and their organizations generate $2 trillion in revenue. This Youth Day, meet three of them — each is using tech to educate and empower.
La IA tiene potencial de impacto social si se abordan conscientemente las carencias de competencias, el prejuicio de los datos y el acceso a la tecnología. Para los líderes tecnológicos...
AI holds potential for social impact if skills gaps, data bias and technology access are addressed consciously. For tech leaders, this work is underway.