World Economic Forum

Future of the Connected World

The Council on the Connected World mobilises the international community to drive change on technology governance by bringing together world-leading initiatives and scaling their impact.

Increase public education and understanding of connected devices.

Trustworthy IoT Coalition

Co-chaired by Consumers International and Carnegie Mellon University, this Coalition brings together industry, consumer organisations, academia and the public sector to increase public understanding and awareness of connected devices and build a more transparent and trustworthy system.

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Digital Trust for Places and Routines

Digital Trust for Places and Routines is an emerging open-source communication standard for digital technologies that enables agency for people.

This initiative is currently being incubated and is open for pilots.

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Communicating IoT: Little Books

The PETRAS National Centre of Excellence for IoT Systems Cybersecurity's 'Little Book' series aims to communicate sometimes complex and abstract ideas relating to the Internet of Things (IoT) in an accessible and easy to digest format.

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Ease and incentivize adoption of cybersecurity best practices, policies and standards.

Global Consensus on Consumer IoT Security

To improve the security of internet-connected devices for all consumers and the value chain, the Cybersecurity Tech Accord, Consumers International, and I Am the Cavalry representing over 400 organizations globally, launched a Joint Statement on 5 security “must haves” for smart devices.

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The Digital Standard

A framework to evaluate how technologies respect consumers’ interests and needs used by independent testing organizations, researchers and product teams.

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Ensuring Cyber Accountability in Cities

This initiative promotes the adoption of a model policy that defines accountability for cybersecurity which is applicable for all cities worldwide, thereby protecting the informational and operational assets owned by the city and its citizens. This is an aspirational policy that aims to create clearer lines of accountability within a city context, despite differing examples of city governance structures.

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Cyber risk, Leadership and corporate governance

The Cyber Risk and Corporate Governance Initiative focuses on continual improvement to the state of cybersecurity risk governance based on the Forum’s work in this area since 2012, especially our 2017 guidance for boards.

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Online Trust Alliance

The Internet Society’s IoT Trust Framework identifies the core requirements manufacturers, service providers, distributors/purchasers and policymakers need to understand, assess and embrace for effective security and privacy as part of the Internet of Things.

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Wireless Router Ratings

Consumer Reports rating of wireless routers so consumers know which offer the strongest signal and security

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Incentivising Responsible and Secure Innovation

The Centre for Cybersecurity is examining a standard approach for investors to assess, monitor, and improve the cybersecurity of their target or portfolio investment companies.

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Increase transparency and awareness of the positive and negative impacts of connected devices.

The Future of Real Estate: Taskforce on Digital Transformation

This newly formed Taskforce brings together key players across the real estate industry to increase education of the opportunities and challenges of using digital technologies such as IoT in the planning of new developments, building operations and the renovation of older properties.

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Cities for All Knowledge Hub

The C4All Knowledge Hub will serve as a catalyst to develop, disseminate and scale up data collection, research, knowledge exchange and training, in the themes of Inclusion and Accessibility for the built environment and cities.

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Increasing Accessibility of Technology in Cities

As cities digitally transform, it is fundamental they ensure the accessibility of all products and services or risk widening the digital divide and excluding a significant percentage of the population. This initiative promotes a model policy that aims to provide all persons with disabilities and older people with accessibility on an equal basis with all other citizens to government programmes, products, services and information.

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Embedding Privacy Assessment in Urban Technology

City governments are responding to their continued growth in part by deploying technologies and “smart city” solutions that enable more citizen-centred services and progress to more sustainable, inclusive, and open cities. This initiative promotes a model policy that establishes a consistent method for identifying, evaluating, and addressing privacy risks.

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IoT for Sustainable Development

This project puts forward a framework for evaluating the impact of IoT projects across sustainable development areas, in order to encourage the use of IoT to accelerate progress on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Accelerate adoption of connected devices and systems among small and/or under-resourced communities.

SME Futures Network

A global network of pilots in Brazil, Colombia, Turkey and South Africa that aims to decrease the digital divide by enabling SMEs to access the benefits of IoT and emerging technologies

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Contract for the Web

The Contract for the Web is a global plan of action to make our online world safe and empowering for everyone. The Contract for the Web lists the high-level principles and the concrete commitments needed by governments, companies and all of us as citizens, to get us to the web we want.

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Tech for All

Led by Huawei, TECH4ALL centers on developing digital inclusion and empowerment initiatives with measureable outcomes. One of its many purposes is to help accelerate the UN’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

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Wireless Reach

Qualcomm Wireless Reach brings advanced wireless technologies to underserved communities globally. Since 2006, Wireless Reach has impacted more than 20 million people.

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AI for Agriculture

Led by World Economic Forum India, this project is leveraging emerging technologies like IoT and AI for improving the livelihood for under resourced communities. It is testing deployment of smart sensors to collect data to help farmers increase profitability and productivity.

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World Home Foundation

HOME is a digital banking platform which partners with established institutions to create financial products designed to tackle the urban affordable housing crisis. They leverage data from the connected homes to aggregate social, economic and environmental benefits, and generate insight for new financial models which de-risk investments and incentivize the building of smart and sustainable housing.

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Improving the Delivery of Digital Infrastructure in Cities

Digital connectivity – or ‘smart infrastructure’ or ‘digital infrastructure’ – is the utility of the twenty-first century. It underpins every aspect of the modern economy and all aspects of smart cities. This initiative promotes a model policy that provide cities with a comprehensive foundation to drive or accelerate digital infrastructure provision, by embedding planning, coordination and installation of capacity for connectivity in the permitting and construction process.

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Strengthen collaboration and sharing of information and data across the IoT ecosystem.

G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance

The G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance aims to strengthen global collaboration on smart city policies. This year the Alliance have produced a global policy roadmap with five foundational policies, and have recruited 20 pilot cities across the world to test these policies.

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Connectivity Standards Alliance

The Connectivity Standards Alliance is a global alliance which develops open, global standards for IoT, certifies products and promotes the use of standards.

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Ocean Data for All

In support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) for the Ocean, Norway, has embarked on a suite of projects to find technical and governance solutions to improve the cross-border flow of critical ocean data.

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Data for Common Purpose Initiative

Creating a new flexible data governance model that allows for the combination of data from personal, commercial, and government sources, while still respecting rights. Still positively empower a variety of stakeholders while removing unintended barriers.

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What Works Cities

What Works Cities helps local governments improve residents' lives by using data and evidence effectively to tackle pressing challenges.

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Smart City Accelerator Platform

Designed to connect cities, municipalities, government agencies, and enterprises with an ecosystem of providers to help deliver greater efficiencies, cost savings, safety, and sustainability.

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City Standards Network

The City Standards Network, led by Connected Places Catapult, is helping to build a more unified, collaborative approach to creating, refining, and implementing global standards to help cities become smarter and more citizen-friendly.

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Open Data Index

Led by Fudan University, the “China Open Data Index” is the first professional evaluation index in China aiming at the data opening level of governments, which includes four dimensions: readiness, platform, data and use.

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Increasing Openness of Data in Cities

This initiative is seeking partners to help cities ensure that their open data programs meet global norms, by aligning them with a model policy developed by some of the world’s leading smart cities. Making city data available in open, interoperable formats to the wider stakeholder ecosystem can enable new services that increase the quality of life, improve economic, social, and environmental outcomes, and create more resilient communities.

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APPA - Authorized Public Purpose Access

Led by the World Economic Forum Centre in Japan, this governance model is designed to maximize the socially beneficial potential of data while protecting individual rights such as privacy and the legitimate interests of data holders.

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Data Governance for Smart City Mission

Smart City Mission, India, governs the 100 smart cities program which visualizes emerging technologies improving the efficacy of urban infrastructure, quality of services to the citizen and liveability of a city. The mission’s vision is to make data key to decision-making in smart city governance.

The Belt and Road Cities Connectivity Index

The Belt and Road Cities Connectivity Index, is designed to evaluate flows of key elements among key cities along the B&R, help cities strengthen collaboration, and ultimately build a highly intensive and connective regional B&R city network of collaboration.

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