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Climate and Nature

The Earth is getting hotter, the ice is melting, the oceans are rising, and they're filling up with plastic. We're losing species, building up greenhouse gases, and running out of time as climate-related disasters like floods and heatwaves disrupt lives and displace communities. Over 3.5 half billion people are highly vulnerable to climate impact. And yet 'sustainability' is now being applied to every area of human activity -- energy, food, clothing, travel, cities -- you name it. But even if everything was 100% sustainable there'd still be work to do to repair the damage. And how should we accelerate climate action, manage a shift away from fossil fuels and ensure the world doesn't go hungry in a newly challenging geopolitical and economic environment? This is a critical leadership challenge.

In this context, it's crucial for businesses, governments, and civil society to work together to find common solutions and take decisive action. Through its Centres, the World Economic Forum integrates public-private efforts to achieve greater impact.