World Economic Forum on Africa

11–13 May 2016 Kigali, Rwanda

Africa 2016

Last update: 13 May 12:04 UTC
10:02 UTC

World Economic Forum on Africa 2016

Welcome to the 26th annual World Economic Forum on Africa, live from the Rwandan capital, Kigali.

The theme of the 2016 meeting is "Connecting Africa’s Resources through Digital Transformation" and the first session begins at 1300 CAT/CET. Take a look at the full programme here.

For some background reading, take a look at this blog by the head of our Africa team, Elsie Kanza:

It includes this striking graphic from the International Energy Agency showing the proportion of African populations without access to electricity - which is sure to be a theme running through many of the sessions over the next three days.

Image: International Energy Agency

Follow our live blog for the key highlights from the World Economic Forum on Africa 2016.

11:03 UTC

5 things you need to know about Rwanda's economy

As the World Economic Forum on Africa gets under way in Kigali, here are some key facts about Rwanda.

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11:23 UTC

How to follow our Africa meeting

Don't forget you can watch live streams of many of the sessions taking place here in Kigali using the video player above.

Some sessions will also be live tweeted - just follow our Twitter account @Davos.

And join in the conversation using the hashtag #AF16.

Read more here:

11:57 UTC

3 reasons things are looking up for African economies

The IMF says Africa will remain the world's second-fastest growing region, but should we be worried about the continent’s economic growth?

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13:42 UTC

Growth in Africa: Rising or Falling?

Here are some of the highlights of this busy session, with panel members including Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya, David Lipton, First Deputy Managing Director at the International Monetary Fund and Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of Oxfam International.

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13:55 UTC

6 reasons to invest in Africa

Business is booming in Africa, and now is time for companies to invest, says Tarek Sultan Al Essa

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14:03 UTC

The African economy

Here's a useful snapshot of the two sides of the African economy to add some context to the discussions taking place here in Kigali.

14:39 UTC

A Conversation on Partnerships in Africa

Rwandan President Paul Kagame and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair will be discussing partnerships and doing business in Africa in this session, starting at 1700 CAT/CET.

Prepare yourself with this blog from Tony Blair:

16:13 UTC

A Conversation on Partnerships in Africa

Some of the highlights of this roundtable discussion with Tony Blair, Paul Kagame and Howard Buffett.

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06:48 UTC

Building Financial Market Resilience

How can Africa build resilience into its financial markets? South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan and Governor of the Bank of Tanzania Benno Ndulu are on the panel discussing this at 0900 CAT/CET.

Here's some background to read ahead of time:

Image: Africa Progress Panel
09:08 UTC

Building Financial Market Resilience

Some of the highlights from this session:

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09:20 UTC

How Africa can lead the way in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Africa has everything needed to be a leader in this coming digital revolution.

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09:53 UTC

Africa's most gender equal countries

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10:19 UTC

Africa's Fourth Industrial Revolution

Paul Kagame and Graça Machel were on the panel for this session discussing Africa's place in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Here are some of the highlights:

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11:37 UTC

5 ways Rwanda is leading on green growth

Rwanda has set a broad and inclusive national target, known as Vision 2020 for its rapid economic growth explains Vincent Biruta.

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13:26 UTC

Africa's biggest exports

Some more useful background information as you follow the discussions here in Kigali:

Image: Bank of America Merrill Lynch
13:46 UTC

The Village of the Future

How can rural economies become self-sufficient? The highlights from our session on the village of the future:

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14:03 UTC

Africa's most competitive economies

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14:38 UTC

African farmers need investment – but these 6 factors stand in the way

These six factors need urgent attention in order to boost investment in Africa’s farmers.

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14:51 UTC

Top quotes

Here are some of the key quotes so far from our Africa meeting:

15:00 UTC

What If: All Education Were Digital?

Could everything be taught using digital technologies? These are some of the session highlights:

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15:51 UTC

Could regional integration make Africa the next big economic success story?

China has been the economic success story of the past three decades. If African countries can break down regional economic barriers, they could be next.

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16:48 UTC

Realizing Africa as One Market

Here are the highlights from this session:

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07:02 UTC

Towards a New Energy Future

This morning's first session explores how Africa can develop its energy systems, and in particular renewable sources. This chart shows the top African cities for renewable energy.

09:00 UTC

Towards a New Energy Future

The highlights from this morning's first session:

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09:44 UTC

This African trade deal could improve lives across the whole continent

Africa's Continental Free Trade Agreement could breathe new life into the region's trade, argues Mukhisa Kituyi.

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09:58 UTC

Africa's women innovators

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10:09 UTC

Africa’s Pathways to Transformation

How can African economies deliver inclusive growth and drive sustainable development? Highlights from the final session of our 2016 Africa meeting.

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12:04 UTC

Goodbye from Africa

That's it from our Africa meeting for another year. Thanks for following our live coverage.

Our next meeting is the World Economic Forum on ASEAN, taking place in Kuala Lumpur on 1st and 2nd June.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and our blog platform, Agenda, to stay up-to-date with the big issues facing the world.

Goodbye from Kigali.

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