Mobile technology has allowed for cheaper and quicker political outreach to the masses. But new research finds approval of governments declines as data coverage increases.
New Zealand is the fifth country to pass a law to curtail carbon emissions.
Illegal fishing undermines economic development, national security, food security and human rights – and nowhere is this more starkly evident than in the Pacific.
We need a new vision geared towards meeting the challenges and opportunities in a changing world, argue Ash Jain and Matthew Kroenig in an Atlantic Council strategy paper
From what is a GFC to what they'll be talking about, here's everything you need to know about our meeting in the Middle East.
The globalization debate is often tinged with nationalism, self-interest, and lack of economic understanding, resulting in misguided public policies. Redressing the negative bias in the d...
Optimistic predictions for the future drawn from experts around the world.
Violence and conflict affect millions of people around the world. Here's how we can cut it by 50% in the next decade - saving hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars in th...
Democracy as we understand it does not apply in the digital world, writes Lydia Kostopoulos, of the Observer Research Foundation
Global tourism is growing, and there’s more of an emphasis on sustainability than ever before. Here are the 10 top destinations for 2020, according to the Lonely Planet.
New technologies can disrupt societies, and today's wave of automation is making people anxious over losing their jobs to robots. What can we learn from history to avoid social conflict?
To build a peaceful and prosperous future, African and European leaders must agree on a forward-looking strategy that addresses structural imbalances, harnesses the benefits of migration,...