Globalization 4.0 will bring with it many challenges. Because of its all-encompassing nature, national and supranational governance systems will be tested in ways they never have been bef...
Globalization 4.0 is at hand. A new phase of globalization driven by shifts in technology, geopolitics, and social and environmental needs, it will require concerted governance from multi...
Even though algorithmic decisions can be embedded with prejudice and bias of their programmers, a surprising 25% of people would trust them more than politicians.
We need a new approach to international corporate taxation, writes Christine Lagarde.
Muhammudu Buhari has been re-elected as President of Nigeria after a first term focused on fighting corruption.
As technology advances at frightening speeds, so too do the cyber-criminals, and international law cannot keep pace.
Putting up barriers to trade is not the answer to domestic economic woes and only increases the risk of conflict between nations, writes Børge Brende.
The force which shaped the modern world is changing in ways which are not immediately obvious.
Sustainable Development Goal 4 commits the world to achieving a quality education for all - so how can we make this a reality?
Denmark is the least corrupt nation in the world, according to Transparency International's latest perception poll. But no country is without its problems, says the NGO.
To withstand turbulent markets, organisations need to find ways to foster entrepreneurial talent.
Our world depends on a complex set of interdependent subsystems. They are out of balance, creating an explosive mix of threats to our future. But we can establish a new era of prosperity ...