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Investing in People

Technological advancements are impacting everything from employment, skills and wealth distribution to healthcare, education and public services. Among the most urgent of these impacts is the need to reskill and upskill people to meet the demands of the economy of tomorrow and capitalize on the millions of new jobs in emerging and frontier fields which are higher up the value chain. While nearly 40% of global employment is exposed to AI, it is anticipated that most of this impact will be to augment work rather than to fully automate existing occupations. Strong job creation is already being experienced in the digital and service economies and it will be crucial to continue translating technological gains into net-positive results for the workforce.

How can the public and private sectors invest in human capital development and good jobs that contribute to the development of a modern and resilient society?

In this context, it's crucial for businesses, governments, and civil society to work together to find common solutions and take decisive action. Through its Centres, the World Economic Forum integrates public-private efforts to achieve greater impact.