The energy paradox in healthcare: How to balance innovation with sustainability
Rising energy consumption in healthcare means leaders must balance progress with environmental responsibility, which can be achieved through technology.
Surgical therapies account for 30% of total global healthcare expenditure, $1.7 trillion in the US and EU alone. Yet surgery is one of the least digitalized sectors in healthcare and has not yet benefitted from connected systems, data analytics and automation. Caresyntax aims to make surgery smarter and safer by developing a turnkey tech and services platform. Its data-driven tools improve patient outcomes and efficiency and reduce costs. Caresyntax partners with hospitals, insurance and medical device and tech companies. Headquartered in San Francisco and Berlin, the platform is used in 2,800 operating rooms worldwide and supports surgical teams in 3 million procedures yearly.
Rising energy consumption in healthcare means leaders must balance progress with environmental responsibility, which can be achieved through technology.
How can companies address broad industry challenges while building their competitive edge? Bjoern von Siemens, Founder and Chief Financial Officer of Caresyntax, appreciates the Forum’...
Artificial intelligence technology like narrow AI is already rapidly improving the healthcare industry, but the benefits could go beyond patients.