How AI could help develop a new generation of diverse leaders
Artificial intelligence, particularly generative AI, could aid in nurturing a broad pipeline of diverse and future-ready leaders. Here's how.
A pioneer in online leadership development for enterprises, ExecOnline has delivered leadership development training to 100,000 leaders in over 100 countries and made a meaningful impact on enterprises through partnerships with the world's top business schools. Founded in 2012, ExecOnline's business school partnerships include Berkeley Haas, Chicago Booth, Columbia, UVA Darden School of Business, Tuck at Dartmouth, Duke CE, IMD, Ivey, MIT Sloan, Stanford GSB, Wharton and Yale. As a Forbes Technology Company to Watch, ExecOnline's proprietary Learn by Doing with Impact methodology combines market-driven input with an applied learning approach for maximum impact aligned with what leaders and their organizations need.
Artificial intelligence, particularly generative AI, could aid in nurturing a broad pipeline of diverse and future-ready leaders. Here's how.
Business leaders are embracing change but they need to prioritize development equity to successfully leverage the benefits of the new learning economy.