Andrew Dell

Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Bank Plc

Andrew has been the Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Sub Saharan Africa since 2012 with the objective of building HSBC’s business in the continent, focused particularly on areas of fast economic growth and increased connectivity with the rest of the world. In 2009, he re-located to the UAE, continuing to be responsible for CEEMEA Debt Capital Markets and reorganised the primary debt business, broadening its product scope to include all debt solutions in both conventional and Islamic format as well as primary hedging and risk solutions. He joined HSBC in 2004 as Managing Director, Head of Emerging Market Syndicate, Global Markets, therefore being involved in the vast majority of Emerging Markets bond deals executed. During this period, he has delivered execution using all instruments including vanilla bonds, HY, PP, the full range of lending solutions across G3 and local currencies as well as Liability Management & Restructurings. He was educated at The London School of Economics and Political Science and The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.