PhD, Univ. of California, Los Angeles; postdoc. fellowship, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Joint appointments, Dept of Sociology, Nat'l Univ. of Singapore (NUS), and Signature Research Program in Health Services & Systems Research, Duke-NUS; Director, NUS-Tsao Foundation Ageing Research Initiative; Research Director and Interim Executive Director, Lien Centre for Palliative Care. Leads national surveys: Ministry of Community Dev., Youth & Sports; Ministry of Health; Agency for Integrated Care. Has consulted for Singapore government ministries, UN and World Bank. Has published widely. Co-Editor, Ultra Low Fertility in Pacific Asia: Trends, Causes, and Policy Issues (2008); Co-Author, Ageing in Singapore: Service Needs and the State (2006). Research: caregiving, healthy aging, long-term care, chronic disease mgmt and palliative care.