Anil Gupta

Michael Dingman Chair in Strategy, Globalization and Entrepreneurship, University of Maryland

BTech, Indian Institute of Tech.; MBA, Indian Institute of Mgmt; Doctorate, Harvard Bus. Sch. Former: Visiting Professor, Stanford Univ. and Dartmouth; Chaired Professor in Strategy, INSEAD. Currently, Michael Dingman Chair in Strategy, Univ. of Maryland. Chief Adviser, China India Institute. Member, Bretton Woods Committee. Board Member, Origene Tech. Member, Advisory Board: IIT Bombay/Entrepreneurship Centre; Asia Silicon Valley Connection; RavGen; India Globalization Capital. Columnist, BusinessWeek; Contributing Editor, Chief Exec. magazine. Author of: The Silk Road Rediscovered, Getting China and India Right & The Quest for Global Dominance. Recipient, awards and honours, incl.: one of world's 50 most influential living management thinkers, Thinkers50; Rising Superstar, The Economist; North American Superstar, Management Int'l Review; Hall of Fame, The Academy of Management Journals.