Aziz Akhannouch

Head of Government, Kingdom of Morocco, Office of the Head of Government of Morocco

Appointed as The Head of Government of Morocco by His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, on September 10th 2021, Mr Aziz Akhannouch is the President of the first elected party in Morocco (RNI) and the President of the Communal Council of Agadir.
Born in 1961 in Morocco, Mr Akhannouch holds a degree in Business Management from Sherbrooke University in Canada. He is the founder of many companies operating in various economic sectors.
From 2007 till his appointment as Head of the Government, Mr. Akhannouch was the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests. During this period, he implemented the “Green Morocco Plan”, the ambitious strategy launched in April 2008 by His Majesty the King Mohammed VI. He also had the honours to develop the major thrusts of the new agricultural strategy “Green Generation 2020-2030”, which has been developed following the guidelines of His Majesty the King.
Mr Akhannouch also managed the launch and the implementation of Halieutis Plan that was the origin of a profound transformation of the Fisherie sector in Morocco for more sustainability and competitiveness.
He was a member of His Late Majesty the King Hassan II Think-Tank until 2009. His is also member of the Executive Board of Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of the Environment and Executive Member of Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of prisoners.
Since his election as head of President of RNI in October 29th 2016, M. Akhannouch initiated a big dynamic inside the party, in particular through the creation of the party parallel organisations and the launch of innovative initiatives by fostering a close and participative approach. This period has also seen the launch of important contributions for political, social and economical matters.