Ban Ki-moon

Chair, Global Commission on Adaptation, Global Commission on Adaptation

1970, BA in International Relations, Seoul National University; 1985, Master's in Public Administration, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; 1992, Special Adviser to Foreign Minister; 1993, Minister, Korean Embassy to US; 1995, Deputy Minister for Policy Planning, Foreign Affairs Ministry; 1996, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; 1996, Chief of Protocol to President, and Chief Adviser to President for Foreign Policy and National Security; 1998, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Austria and international organizations in Vienna; 1999, Chairman of the Preparatory Commission for Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization; 2000, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade; 2001-02, Ambassador to UN and Chef de Cabinet during Korea's Presidency of UN General Assembly; 2002, Ambassador-at-Large; 2003, Foreign Policy Adviser to President; 2004, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade including: 2005, leading role in landmark agreement aimed at promoting peace and stability on Korean peninsula; since 2007, current position. Recipient of numerous awards, including: Highest Order of Service Merit, Korea (1975, 1986 and 2006).