1990, PhD in Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand. 1990, joined Dpt of Electrical Engineering, National Univ. of Singapore (NUS) as a Lecturer. 2003-06 and 2008-09, Vice-Dean for Research, Faculty of Engineering, NUS. 1995-2000, seconded to the Center for Wireless Communications as its Deputy Director. 2001-03, on leave of absence from NUS to work at Siemens Singapore as Founding Head of the Mobile Core R&D Dpt funded by Siemens's ICM Group. 2006-08, seconded to the National Research Foundation as a Director. Currently Professor and since 2009, Head, Dpt of Electrical & Computer Engineering, NUS. Member, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Research in communication networks. Author of more than 200 papers. Current research interests in wireless networks, underwater networks and optical networks.