David Blaine


1996, "Street Magic" first aired on ABC, transforming televised magic by turning the camera on the audience. Stunts defy the boundaries of human endurance. For “Buried Alive”, first live stunt, was entombed in an underground plastic box beneath a three-tonne water tank for seven days with no food and little water. For “Frozen In Time”, encased in a large block of ice in Times Square for nearly 64 hours. In “Vertigo”, stood atop a 100-foot-tall pillar in Bryant Park for 36 hours without a safety net, then leapt into a stack of cardboard boxes. For “Above The Below”, was inside a transparent box above the River Thames (United Kingdom) with no food for 44 days. For “Drowned Alive”, spent one week submerged in a sphere-shaped aquarium at Lincoln Center. Broke a Guinness record for holding breath for over 17 minutes on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. For “Electrified”, received 1 million volts discharged continuously for 72 hours from seven Tesla coils. Has also performed live from arenas, for US presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and other international leaders and prominent figures, such as Henry Kissinger, Michael Bloomberg, Stephen Hawking and Muhammad Ali.

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