Studied law, Universidad Del Rosario; postgraduate studies in administrative law; Master's in Government and Public Policy, Universidad Externado and Columbia University. Began public career at the age of 20; elected Councilman, Bogota, for two consecutive periods. 2006, Congressman, Colombia; 2011, Vice-Minister of Labour Relations; 2013, Presidential Adviser for Regions, acting as the voice of the government in the regions. Currently, ICT Minister of Colombia; believes that innovation, technology and communications are concepts that Colombia and the world have to cultivate not only to improve people's quality of life but to reduce poverty and inequality; also believes that the digital economy and technology are opportunities to face unemployment and increase economic growth and development; recognizes that the government cannot work by itself; believes in working hard to build a strong relationship between the public sector and the private sector to encourage entrepreneurs and national and international companies to increase foreign and national investments in ICT projects and initiatives, which are crucial to progress.