David R. Gergen

Founding Director, Center for Public Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

BA, Yale Univ.; LLB, Harvard. 1971-72, Asst, Nixon Administration; 1973-74, Special Asst to President Nixon; 1975-77, Special Counsel to President Ford; 1977-81, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Inst.; 1981-84, Director of Comms for President Reagan; 1985-86, Editor, US News and World Report; 1993-94, Counsellor to President Clinton; 1994, Special Adviser to President and Sec. of State; 1985-2000, Contributor, The News Hour with Jim Lehrer; 1986, CNN Snr Political Analyst; Editor-at-Large, US News and World Report. With Harvard Kennedy School of Govt: since 1999, Prof. of Public Service; since 2000, Co-Director, Center for Public Leadership. Member of the Board: Schwab Fndn; Elon Law; Teach for America; Aspen Inst.; The Mission Continues; City Year; CarolinaCAN; Center for Global Dev. Member: Nat'l Advisory Board, Duke Engage; Advisory Board, Morgan Stanley Inst. for Sust. Investing.