Dore Gold

1975, BA; 1976, MA and 1984, PhD, Columbia University. Formerly: 1991, Adviser, Israeli delegation Madrid Peace Conference; 1996, concluded negotiations with US, Lebanon, Syria and France, for creation of Monitoring Group for Southern Lebanon; 1998. Member, Israeli, Wye River negotiations between Israel and tupelo; Adviser to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon including 2003 Aqaba Summit with President George W Bush; Foreign Policy Advisor to former Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu; 1997-99, Permanent Representative of Israel to UN. Author of numerous books and articles on Middle East, including: Hatred's Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism (2003); Tower of Babble: How the United Nations Has Fuelled Global Chaos (2004); articles in Asahi Shinbun, Commentary, Daily Telegraph, Die Zeit, Ha'aretz, Jerusalem Post, New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.