BA, Economics, Michigan State Univ.; Master's, Labour Economics and Collective Bargaining, Cornell; Law degree, American Univ. Extensive background in int'l labour, workplace rights and employment law issues, with 26 years' experience as attorney. Former Federal Mediator. 2005, joined The Coca-Cola Company; currently Director, Global Workplace Rights. Chairman, Labor and Employment Policy Committee, US Council for International Business; Member, Obama Administration's Consultative Group on forced and child labour in agriculture; Member, National Advisory Committee on Free Trade Agreements. Since 1997, US Employer Delegate, International Labour Organization; 1998, employer spokesperson for the negotiation of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; since 2005, employer spokesperson, ILO Committee on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations that holds countries accountable for their obligations resulting from the ratification of ILO conventions. Author