Edward Brown

Senior Director, Research and Advisory Engagements, African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET)

Dr Edward K. Brown, currently Senior Director, Research and policy Engagements at the Africa Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), based in Accra, Ghana, has over 35 years in international development, half of which were spent at the World Bank. He started his career as a research economist at the Development Research Department at the World Bank, and later as Population Economist in the Population Health and Nutrition Department, leading high-level policy dialogue and operations in the social sector. The last 12 years prior to leaving the World Bank in 2007, were in management and leadership positions, providing overall leadership and management of country programs, formulating and carrying out country assistance strategies and strengthening partnerships with stakeholders. He was the Country Manager for Moldova in Eastern Europe and Tajikistan in Central Asia 2003 -2007, and previously served as the Resident Representative in Niger and Rwanda during the 1990’s. He has written a number of articles and publications on sustainable development and other topics, including a contribution to the 1984 World Development Report, and other World Bank reports. He received the World Bank Staff Association Best Manager’s Award in 1999.

He holds a PhD and MA in Development Economics and Demography from the University of Pennsylvania, and BA from the University of Ghana.

Currently at ACET, he manages a pool of in-house senior policy advisors, researchers and economist, and drawing on a worldwide pool of expertise to assist African policymakers respond to specific challenges and opportunities—with the explicit goals of transferring knowledge, building local capabilities and spurring economic growth and transformation. His main interests are in public policy, economic management (domestic resources mobilization and expenditure management), institutional and organizational reforms and development strategies. He has also worked extensively in the extractive sectors -Minerals, oil and gas, focusing issues of local content and value addition.

Currently undertaking research on issues if employment, skills, and the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on the future of work.

Edward has worked and travelled extensively in Africa, Western and Eastern Europe, Central and South Asia.

Language Skills: English, French

Synopsis of research and analysis

Looking East: China- Africa Engagements in Trade, investment and Aid- 2009. Led the ACET team the undertook the research to assess continent-wide the nature and scope of Chinese engagements in Africa. This study was underpinned by in-depth review on the engagements in three countries: Ghana, Liberia and Rwanda.
• Ghana- Assessment of the Effectiveness and Impact of The Aid for Trade Initiative in Ghana. 2013. International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD). Team Lead. This project which was rolled out under the ICTSD Programme on Competitiveness and Development aimed at empirically assessing the effectiveness and impact of the –Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) borne –Aid for Trade (Aft) initiative in Ghana. The assessment was part of a series of eight country studies which sought to complement existing mechanisms to monitor AfT led by providing an independent, comprehensive and integrated perspective on the unique experiences of individual countries in enhancing their capacity to trade
• Local Content and Value Addition in minerals, oil and gas (2015) -- Team Lead on a comprehensive multi-country study in 8 resource-rich African countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia), benchmarked against experiences in Canada (Western Ontario) and Trinidad and Tobago. The study provided a thorough understanding of the development and implementation of policy, legal and regulatory frameworks for local content and value addition in the eight selected countries. The study was funded by the World Bank and the Hewlett Foundation.
• The Impact of Expanding Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) On Small Holder Agriculture in West Africa (2016). Ghana, Sierra Leone and Burkina Faso. Funded by The Ford Foundation. Led and developed, (including concept and questionnaire design) the study to scope the extent of the impact of artisanal and small-scale mining on smallholder agriculture in 3 countries. The country report on each country focused on; (a) policies, laws and institutions governing ASM in each of the three countries, (b) a brief overview of the two activities in each country, and (c) case studies in each country with recommendations.
• Mobilizing and managing external development finance: six country experience and lessons (2017). Team lead.
• The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future of Work in Africa (2018). Lead. A study commissioned by African Development Bank to assist in restructuring their country assistance strategies to respond to change world of work due to rapid developments in innovations.
• Secondary Education and the Future of Work (2018) commission by the Master Card Foundation to explore and document the extent of alignment of current and ongoing reforms in the education sector the rapid evolving nature of work.