Graduate, Brown Univ.; studies at Ecole Nationale de Sciences Politiques, Paris. 1989-90, banking consultancy to start-up microfinance institutions, West and Central Africa. Former Adjunct Professor, Master's Programme, School of Advanced Int'l Studies. Formerly, with JP Morgan: set up emerging markets debt trading department, London; Head Debt Trader for Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia; Director, Paris office; most recently, Managing Director, in charge of capital markets and financing in emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa. 1999, joined CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor), a policy and research centre dedicated to advancing poor people's access to financial services; 2000-10, CEO. Concurrently, Director, Financial & Private Sector division, World Bank. Appointed by President Obama as President and CEO, OPIC, the US Government's development finance institution. Founder, Emerging Markets Charity, UK. Currently, on the President's Export Cabinet. Chairperson, Global Agenda Council on Social Innovation, World Economic Forum. Member, Council on Foreign Relations.