Ennis Rimawi

Founder and Managing Director, Catalyst MENA Clean Energy Fund

Ennis Rimawi is the Founder and Managing Director of Catalyst's MENA Climate Funds. In 2016 Catalyst launched the MENA region's first renewable energy fund, and previously launched Catalyst Private Equity Fund I in 2006 the region's first energy and water technology venture capital fund. Ennis is also a Director of Millennium Energy Industries (www.meisolar.com). Over the past 18 years Ennis' focus has been on project development, technology business building, turnarounds, manufacturing, and investment structuring in the US and Arab region. He is the founder of ONEWORLD Software Solutions and led the subsequent merger and turnaround of Estarta Solutions, which is partially owned by Microsoft and Cisco. During this period Ennis led several private equity investment transactions from both the “sell side” and the “buy side”. Ennis is a Director of a leading non-profit Micro-Fund, Tamweelcom, and also a Director of Ajeej Capital and a Director at Relational.ai. Ennis is a member of the YPO, and YAL. Ennis is a graduate of MIT's Leaders for Manufacturing Fellows Program. BS in Eng. Systems ('91) MIT, a MS in Environmental Eng ('96) MIT, and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management ('96).

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