Genki Oda

CEO, Remixpoint,inc.

Genki Oda has been vice-president at Remixpoint since June 2015. Prior to that, Oda was an associate business producer of Will Capital Management in August 2003 and he served as general manager of the business strategy department of Food Discovery in April 2004. He became the chief executive officer of Remixpoint at the age of 33 being one of youngest chief executive officers of a Tokyo Stock Exchange listed company. Remixpoin at that time suffered from poor economic performance and organizational troubles. Oda turned the business around within two years. He is regarded as a respectable future leader of business and society by young generations including young bureaucrats who are trying to change Japan. He was a key member of Ashoka Japan and Social Venture Partners Tokyo Bay, which were pioneer organizations of social venture in Japan. Remixpoint engages in the development and sale of energy management solutions, and energy-saving support consulting services in Japan.