Chunyuan Gu

Senior Advisor, ABB Group and Chairman, ABB (China) Ltd

1982, degree in Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; 1987, PhD in Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. 1987-89, Researcher, Royal Institute of Technology. 1989, joined the ABB Corporate Research Center, Sweden, as Senior Research Fellow; 1998-2010, management roles including Corporate R&D Program Manager of Engineering Mechanics, Corporate R&D Program Manager of Mechatronics and Robot Automation, R&D Manager for ABB Robotics Sweden, Vice-President, Global Technology, ABB Robotics Automation, and Head, Robotics Global R&D Center. 2010-11, Head, Robotics Business Unit, ABB North Asia and China, and General Manager, ABB Engineering (Shanghai). 2012, Senior Vice-President, ABB (China), Head, Discrete Automation and Motion Division, ABB North Asia and China. 2014-17, Senior Vice-President, ABB Group, Chairman and President, ABB (China). 2017, joined the Group Executive Committee and became President, Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) region; concurrently, Chairman and President, ABB, China. Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Managing Director, Standing Committee, Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). Member, Advisory Council, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. Economic Adviser to the Governor of Guangdong Province.