Helen Meng

Professor of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Department of Systems Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

S.B., S.M., Ph.D. in EE all from MIT
Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professor of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management
Former Associate Dean (Research) of Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK
Immediate Past Chairman of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, CUHK
Fellow of Hong Kong COmputer Society, Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Fellow of the IEEE, elected in 2013 “for contributions to spoken language and multimodal systems”
Fellow of the International Speech Communication Association (one of 62 worldwide, 8 from Asia), elected in 2016 “for contributions to multilingual, multimodal human-computer interaction and language learning technologies”
2018 CogInfocomm Best Paper Award
2017 Outstanding Women Professional Award (one of 20 since 1999)
2016 Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborator Award (one of 32 academics worldwide)
2016 IBM Faculty Award
2016 IEEE ICME Best Paper Award
2015 ISCA Distinguished Lecturer
2015 HKCS inaugural Outstanding ICT Women Professional Award
2012 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) inaugural Distinguished Lecture
2009 Ministry of Education Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award in Technological Advancements (first year in Hong Kong)

Expertise Research Interests :
* Big Data Decision Analytics
* Computational Thinking and AI Education for the Young Generation
* Multilingual Speech and Language Processing
* Multibiometric Authentication
* Multimedia Content Retrieval
* Multimodal Human-Computer Interactions