Jagdish Bhagwati

Professor, Columbia University

Formerly: 1991-93, Economic Policy Adviser to Director General, GATT; Special Adviser to UN on Globalization; Member, Advisory Committee to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on NEPAD Process in Africa; Member, Expert Group on Future of WTO, and Eminent Persons Group on future of UNCTAD. Currently: Professor of Economics and Law, Columbia University and Senior Fellow in International Economics, Council on Foreign Relations; combined scientific contributions to post-war theory of commercial policy, strengthening case for free trade, with books and op ed essays in newspapers and magazines on current policy issues; worked with Human Rights Watch and other NGOs including SA8000, a social labelling agency. Author of books including, In Defense of Globalization. Recipient of several honorary degrees including London School of Economics and Free University in Berlin. Recipient of awards including: Freedom Prize, Switzerland; Bernhard Harms Prize, Germany; Thomas Schelling Award, Kennedy School, Harvard; Padma Vibhushan, India; Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver, Japan.