Doctorate in Public Law, University of Strasbourg. 1980, admitted to the Bar of Luxembourg. 1979-85, President, Christian Social Youth. 1979-82, Parliamentary Secretary of the Christian Social Party. 1982-84, State Secretary for Labour and Social Affairs. 1984-89, Minister of Labour, Minister in charge of Budget. 1985, President, Council of Ministers of the European Community, Social Affairs and Budget. 1989-94, Minister of Labour, Minister of Finance. 1989-95, Governor of the World Bank. 1990-95, President, Christian Social Party. 1991, President, Council of Ministers of the European Community, Social Affairs, Economic and Financial Affairs, Budget. 1991, President, Intergovernmental Conference on Economic and Monetary Union. 1993-95, President, European Union of Christian Democratic Workers. 1994, Minister of Labour, Minister of Finance. 1995, Governor, International Monetary Fund. Former Prime Minister of Luxembourg. Concurrently: Minister of State; Minister of Finance; Minister of Labour and Employment. Currently, President of the European Commission.