Jessica Beegle

Alumni, Global Shapers Community

J.D., Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law; B.A. in Political Science, University of Georgia; Graduate, General Electric Experienced Commercial Leadership Development Program. Formerly: Legal Policy Analyst, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, City of New York 2005-2006; Manager, Healthymagination, GE Corporate 2009-2012; Director, Clarient, GE Healthcare 2012-2013. Global Leader, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Amazon Web Services, 2013-2016. Global Head, Industry Solutions, Google, 2016-2017. Currently: Global Head, Commercial Partnerships, DeepMind, Google (2017-Present). Member: World Economic Forum Meta-Council on the Future of Health; World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Brain Research; World Economic Forum Global Shapers (Davos participant); Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, Clinical Working Group.