BSc and MSC in Mechanical Engineering, MIT; MBA, Harvard. Formerly: engineer, strategy consultant, and chief financial officer, emerging high-tech firms; three terms in US House of Representatives, serving as Vice-Chairman, Budget Committee; six years as youngest member of US Senate; member of Finance, Commerce, Banking, and Foreign Relations Committees; took lead role writing legislation to reign in risk-taking at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, signed into law in 2008; negotiated seven-year ban on Internet taxes; author of New England Wilderness Act, and legislation to ensure better protection for civil liberties under Patriot Act; travelled extensively in Middle East and Central Asia, leading delegations to monitor Palestinian Presidential elections in 2005 and Lebanese parliamentary elections in June 2009. Since 2009, Member, Congressional Oversight Panel for US$ 700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program; Executive Vice-President, PRTM Strategy Consulting. Member of the Board, Time Warner Cable and Boston Scientific. Since 2010, with the United States Institute of Peace.