José Baselga

MD and PhD, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. Formerly: Chief, Division of Hematology / Oncology and Associate Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center and Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chairman, Medical Oncology and Founding Director, Vall d ‘Hebron Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, Spain. Currently, Physician-in-Chief and Chief Medical Officer, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College. President, American Association of Cancer Research (AACR), working collaboratively with the AACR Board of Directors and the AACR membership to further the mission to cure cancer through research. Research interests are in the development of targeted agents for the treatment of breast cancer and in studying strategies to overcome mechanisms of resistance Author of 395 peer-reviewed publications. Former: President, European Society for Medical Oncology; Member, Board of Directors, American Society of Clinical Oncology and AACR; Member, Editorial Board, Cancer Cell, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Clinical Cancer Research. Elected Member: National Academy of Medicine; American Society of Clinical Investigation; Association of American Physicians. Fellow, AACR Academy. Founding Editor-in-Chief, AACR flagship journal Cancer Discovery.