1977, PhD, Economics and Social Sciences, St. Gallen Univ. 1977, with Schweizerische Kreditanstalt: 1990, Exec. Board; 1993, President. 1996, joined Deutsche Bank Mgmt Board; 2002, Spokesman, Mgmt Board and Chairman, Group Exec. Cttee; 2006-12, Chairman, Mgmt Board. 2010-12, Vice-Chairman, and 2012-13, Chairman, Zurich Insurance Group. Member, Board of Directors: Royal Dutch Shell; Investor; EQT Holdings. Vice-Chairman, Board of Directors, Belenos Clean Power Holding. Member, Int'l Advisory Board, Akbank. Vice-Chairman, Foundation Board, World Economic Forum. Honorary Chairman, St. Gallen Foundation for Int'l Studies. Advisory Director, Metropolitan Opera NY. Honorary Professor, Frankfurt JW Goethe Univ. Visiting Professor, Finance, LSE. Recipient of honours and awards.