Kevin Rhee June-Koo

Director, Quantum Computing for Artificial Intelligence Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

June-Koo Kevin RHEE ( is a professor at KAIST, Korea and a graduate of Seoul National University, with a B.E. (1988) and M.Sc. (1990), and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, with a Ph.D. (1995), all in electrical engineering. Prior to his current position, he has been with Princeton University (1995-1996), NEC Research Institute (1996-1998), Corning Incorporated (1998-2002), and Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (2003-2005).

Early in his career, he made contributions in the areas of quantum electro dynamics, quantum optics and laser science, including the first demonstration of vacuum Rabi oscillations in a semiconductor cavity, and the first observation of a 4 photon state generation. His career then continued in the area of optical communications including the first system demonstration of the ROADM concept, the first introduction of DPSK optical data transmission in WDM systems, and the first demonstration of a WDM optical protection switching network. Recently, his research interest advanced with wireless networking and quantum information systems. His publications have been widely cited in various major technical articles. He has been an active contributor at the ITU-T SG13 and SG15 working parties, particularly on G.8032 ERP technology. His current research interests include quantum key distribution, and quantum computing. He is currently leading the KAIST IT Research Center of Quantum Computing for AI.

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