Jyrki Katainen

President, SITRA (Finnish Innovation Fund)

1998, MSc in Political Science, University of Tampere, Finland; Erasmus exchange year, University of Leicester, UK. 1999-2014, Member of Finnish Parliament for the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus). 2007-11, Minister of Finance of Finland; 2001-03, Deputy Member of the Finnish Delegation to the Nordic Council; 2003-07, Member of the Finnish Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly; 2003-05, Member of the Administrative Council, Finnish Broadcasting Company; 2004-05, Member of the Finish Delegation to the Western European Union Parliamentary Assembly. 2011-14, Prime Minister of Finland. With the European Commission: 2014, Vice-President for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro; currently, Vice-President, responsible for jobs, growth, investment and competitiveness. President of Sitra from 1.1.2020. Interests: running, cycling and tennis.