BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics and MSc in Economics for Development, Oxford University and Honorary Doctorate, Business School Lausanne. Economist focused on exploring the economic mindset needed to address the 21st century’s social and ecological challenges. Career includes working with microentrepreneurs in the villages of Zanzibar and co-authoring the Human Development Report for UNDP in New York, followed by a decade as Senior Researcher at Oxfam. Creator of the Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries. Senior Visiting Research Associate, Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute. Senior Associate, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. Idea of Doughnut Economics has been widely influential among sustainable development thinkers, progressive businesses and political activists. Member: Club of Rome; advisory boards, including the Stockholm School of Economics’ Global Challenges programme, the University of Surrey’s Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity, and Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute. Has presented it to audiences ranging from the UN General Assembly to the Occupy movement. Author of the best selling book Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist (2017). Blogs at and tweets @kateraworth.