Will AI make it easier to get the productivity growth we want?
AI's contribution to productivity growth across the world will be influenced by three key factors, and policy will play a important role in shaping them.
Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley. Chair, Blum Center for Developing Economies Board of Trustees, UC Berkeley. Co-chair California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Council of Economic Advisors. Member of the Board of Directors: Lexmark International and Stem. Previous affiliations: 2020-2021, Commission d'experts sur les grands défis économiques, French President Emmanuel Macron. 2018, Interim Dean of Berkeley Haas. 2002-06, Dean of London Business School. 1998-2001, Dean of the Berkeley-Haas. US Department of State Foreign Affairs Policy Board. Member of President Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board and Semiconductor Working Group (PCAST). Served in Clinton Administration: Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers (1993-95) and Director of the National Economic Council (1995-96). Co-Author of Leave No One Behind, a report for the United Nation’s High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment.
AI's contribution to productivity growth across the world will be influenced by three key factors, and policy will play a important role in shaping them.
Shifting geopolitical allegiances are slowing down the progress achieved by globalization – but addressing the climate crisis will require a shift back towards openness.
Economist Laura Tyson says that not just GDP but also financial markets can benefit from women's equality.
For every dollar a man earns, on average a woman is paid 54 cents. There's a simple reason for this and a complicated one, says economist Laura Tyson.
As automation displaces labor in a growing number of occupations, the impact on the quantity and quality of jobs will intensify.
Mientras el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump recibe ofertas para construir su supuesto "hermoso muro" a lo largo de la frontera con México, su administración también se dispone a co...
Hace apenas 15 años, el flujo internacional de datos digitales era casi inexistente; hoy incide más sobre el crecimiento económico global que el flujo tradicional de bienes transables.
Laura Tyson and Susan Lund look at the impact of globalization, and the change towards a digital globalization.
A la par que la globalización redujo la desigualdad entre países, empeoró la desigualdad de ingresos dentro de ellos.
Despite recent gains, large gender gaps persist in all kinds of work. How can we change this?
La inclusión financiera es vital para el crecimiento económico inclusivo y la igualdad de género, y ha asumido un papel prominente en los esfuerzos de desarrollo globales -el Banco Mundia...
Susan Lund and Laura Tyson explore the possibilites of widespread digital finance.
Laura Tyson and Jacques Bughin look at the changing world of work.
Más allá de las condiciones macroeconómicas, en el largo plazo es probable que la proporción del trabajo independiente vaya en aumento debido a los avances tecnológicos y las preferencias...
A recent report by the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel looks at how we can close the gender gap.