1965, BA in Business Administration, Korea University. 1977-92, Chief Executive Officer, six affiliates of Hyundai Group; 1980, Chairman, Korea Atomic Industry Forum; 1980, Chairman, International Contractors Association of Korea; 1982, Chief, Construction Division, Economic Cooperation Committee, Southeast Asian Countries; 1986-99, Honorary Consul-General of the Kingdom of Bhutan to Korea; 1989, Deputy Chairman, Korea-USSR Economic Association; 1991, Chairman, North East Economic Committee; since 1992, Honorary Ambassador of Arkansas State; 1992, Member of the Assembly, 14th National Assembly; 1996, Member of the Assembly, 15th National Assembly; 2001, Commissioner, Subcommittee on Future Competitiveness, National Reform Committee, Grand National Party; since 2002, Adviser to Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia. Author: History of June 3 Student Movement (1994); There Is No Myth (1995); I See the Hope Rather Than Despair (2002).