Degree in Public Administration, Central University of Ecuador. Formerly: secondary school teacher; then dedicated to the promotion of tourism in Ecuador with own company; then participated in the creation of the Ecuadorian Chamber of Tourism. After being shot, lost leg mobility. After a long and painful convalescence, became a professional motivator through conferences that carry a message of joy, solidarity, kindness, love and humour. 2007, elected Vice-President of the Republic of Ecuador; 2009, re-elected. December 2013, appointed UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Disability and Accessibility. Former President, Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Disabilities, Organization of American States. Author of 10 books, including: “Philosophy for life and work”, “Theory and Practice of Humor”, “Being Happy is Easy and Fun”, “The Best Jokes in the World”, “Humor of Famous People”, “Trumpetvocabulary”, “Laugh, don't be sick”, “Non Ecological Tales “and “Being kind is easy, fun ... and productive”. Recipient of numerous awards and honours.