Li Yuanchao

1982, BSc in Mathematics, Fudan Univ.; 1988, Master's in Economic Administration, Peking Univ.; 1998, PhD in Law, Chinese Central Party School. Experience as: Lecturer, Dept of Management, Fudan Univ.; Vice-Secretary, Fudan Univ. Youth League; Secretary, Shanghai Municipal Committee, Youth League; Secretary, Central Secretariat, Youth League; Vice-Chairman, National Youth Federation; Vice-Director, Foreign Publicity Office, Central Party Committee; Vice-Director, Information Office, State Council; Vice-Minister, Ministry of Culture of China; Vice-Secretary, Chinese Communist Party, Jiangsu Provincial Committee; until 2003 Secretary, Nanjing Municipal Committee; Standing Member, Seventh National Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; Member, Eighth and Ninth Conferences. Since 2003, Secretary, Jiangsu Provincial Committee.