Undergraduate degree and degree in Law, University of South Carolina. Former United States Air Force Lawyer, including 1984-88, at Rhein-Main Air Force Base, Germany. 1989, left active duty Air Force and joined the South Carolina Air National Guard, serving until 1995. During the first Gulf War in the early 1990 s, called to active duty and served state-side at McEntire Air National Guard Base as Staff Judge Advocate. 1994, elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as the first Republican from the Third Congressional District of South Carolina since 1877. 1995-2015, with the U.S. Air Force Reserves, retiring at the rank of Colonel. 2002, elected to the United States Senate; 2008 and 2014, re-elected. Reputation as a conservative problem-solver and one of the strongest proponents of a robust national defense. Frequent visitor to American troops stationed overseas for on-the-ground assessments, has consistently pushed for outcomes in the War on Terror which protect long-term national security interests. Leader in cutting spending, reforming entitlements, and getting government out of the way so businesses can create jobs.