Longmei Zhang

M-RCBG senior fellow, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

M-RCBG senior fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, Senior Economist at the International Monetary Fund, served as International Monetary Fund (IMF) Deputy Resident Representative for China from 2017-2020. Previously, China Economist in the Asia and Pacific Department based in Washington DC, focused on macroeconomic forecasting, broader China rebalancing and issues on high savings. Co-edited the book “ The future of China’s Bond Market’. Before working on China, worked on regional issues in Asia-Pacific and published research in a wide range of areas, including long-term growth/middle-income trap, macroprudential policies, corporate leverage, and capital flows and asset prices. Prior to that, worked on the Philippines, focusing on macro surveillance and labor market issues. Also worked on Romania, engaged in IMF program negotiations and reviews. Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. PhD in Economics from Goethe University Frankfurt.

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