Mehdi Jomaa

Leader, Tunisian Alternative Party

1988, Senior Engineer Diploma, National Engineering School, Tunis; 1989, Postgraduate Diploma in Structural Mechanics, Design and Modelling, National Engineering Institute; 2007, studies, HEC Paris, Oxford, SAID Business School; 2009, studies in business planning, strategic planning and marketing, ESSEC, Paris. 1988-2012, with Hutchinson, member of the TOTAL group, operating in aeronautical, defence, automobile, railway, oil and general industries, including: 1990-2003, Head, Paulstra; 2003-04, Technical Director, Paulstra & Vibrachoc; 2004-09, Technical Director, Hutchinson A. Aeronautics and Defence divisions; 2009-13, Director, Hutchinson A, Aerospace Division, and Director, six business units, Hutchinson Group. Former Minister of Industry of Tunisia. Holder of patents. Recipient of awards.