Meles Zenawi

1995, MBA, Open University, United Kingdom; 2004, MSc in Economics, Erasmus University, Netherlands. Studies in Medicine, Addis Ababa University; MA in Business Administration. With Tigray People's Liberation Front: 1974, joined and fought against Derg Regime; 1975-79, Member; 1979-83, Member, Leadership Committee; 1983-89, Member, Executive Committee; since 1989, Chairman. Since 1989, Chairman, Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front; 1991-95, President, Transitional Government of Ethiopia. 1995, elected Prime Minister of Ethiopia; 2000 and 2005, re-elected. Former: Chairman, OAU; Co-Chairman, Global Coalition for Africa; Commissioner, Africa Commission. Has also been actively involved in IGAD's efforts to end the conflicts in Sudan and Somalia, and African initiatives to seek a solution to the crisis in Burundi. Chair: NEPAD Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee; African Peer Review Forum. Co-Chair, High-Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing established by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Interests: reading, swimming and tennis.

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