1986, degree in Civil Engineering , Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris; 1999-2000, MBA, ENPC School of International Management. With Commercial Bank of Morocco: 1986-90, Executive; 1990-92, Director; co responsible for key accounts, Marketing and Markets Direction; head, assessment of industrial investment projects, Direction of Credit; Director, Real-Estate and Tourism Department, Direction of Credit; Divisionnaire, Direction of Credit, in charge of regional portfolio. 1992-94, Deputy Managing Director of chemical production and trading company; 1994-95, in charge of portfolio, Direction of Key Accounts, Moroccan Bank of Trade and Industry; 1995-98, Chief of staff, Minister of Civil Engineering Works, then Chief of Staff, Minister of Agriculture, Equipment and Environment; 1998-2001, Director, Programs and Studies, Ministry of Equipment; 2001-04, Director, Public Establishments and Participation, Ministry of Finance and Privatization; 2004-07, Minister in charge of Modernization of Public Sectors; since 2007, current position.