1992, PhD, Cambridge Univ. Former adviser on environment and dev., UNDP, Beijing. Currently, Director, Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies, CASS; Professor of Economics, CASS Graduate School. Member: China Nat'l Expert Panel on Climate Change; Nat'l Foreign Policy Advisory Group. Adviser, Ministry of Environment Protection. VP: Chinese Energy Assoc.; Chinese Society of Ecological Economists. Lead author, IPCC Working Group III 3rd, 4th and 5th Assessment Report on Mitigation. Co-Editor, Climate Change 2001: mitigation. Author of over 300 papers, articles and books in English and Chinese. Awards: 1st and 2nd prizes for best research work, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2002 and 2004); Sun Yefang Economic Science Prize (2011); China Green Person of the Year (2010/2011). Interests: economics of sustainable dev., energy and climate policy, world economy and environmental and natural resource economics.